The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

June 16, 2018
by Miss Brown
1 Comment

Primary 1 update

This week Primary 1  continued to learn about adjectives.  We were describing a setting of a story.  

Maths we were continuing to work on becoming confident at adding and subtracting numbers.  We also were learning to count on 5’s this week.  We enjoy counting up in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. 

In topic we learnt about toys of the past.  We sorted pictures of toys into old toys and new toys.  

In gym we continued to work on our balancing skills for gymnastics.  We learnt   jumping, balancing and forward and backwards rolls.


We had our buddies visit this week.  We decided to play outside and we loved seeing our buddies.  

Thanks to Miss Stevens who found a birds nest on her way to work on the ground, we got a close up look at a nest.  It was very exciting.  We were surprised it felt squishy.

Also this week we went on our school trip to beecraigs.  We all enjoyed our outdoor learning.  We made dens, had a scavenger hunt, made toys and played at the park.  We all had great fun even in the wind.  

June 8, 2018
by Miss Brown

Update for p1

This week Primary 1  learnt about adjectives.  We were using describing words to describe a Paddington toy.  


This week we had a new book for vibrant vocabulary.  We used Giraffes can’t dance and our sophisticated words were bandy, buckled, splendid, rooted and twizzled.  We have also been practicing our sounds this week to make sure we are confident at knowing all of them for Primary 2.  

Maths we were working on becoming confident at adding and subtracting numbers. 

We also began to look at 3d shape.we went on a shape walk and then sorted the shapes into cube, cuboid, cone, sphere and cylinder.


We learnt a bit of science this week and learnt about forces.  We had to be creative and make our own ramps outside for our cars.  We had deep discussions at what makes the car faster and slower.  

In gym we continued with gymnastics and working on our balance and agility through jumps, balancing and rolls.  We all love doing gymnastics.  

we also were learning the skill of skipping and hula hooping.  We were using growth mindset and not giving us and trying again and again.

Also this week we had a taster in judo.  We all really loved this as you can see in our pictures.


June 8, 2018
by Mrs Shankland

Civic Week Potted Sports

Just to clarify, the planned Kirkhill Potted Sports event as part of our Gala Civic week will be held in the playgrounds on Monday 18th June at 1.30pm.

Children are welcome to wear their sportswear on that day if they wish.



June 8, 2018
by Mrs Shankland

Galaday Masks

Image result for mardi gras masks

All Galaday mask designs should be returned to school by Friday 15th June. Some children will have completed these in class whilst others took the designs home as part of Home Learning tasks.

There will be a prize for P1-3 winner, P4-5 winner and P6-7 winner.


Thank You


June 2, 2018
by Miss Brown

Primary 1 update

This week Primary 1  learnt about labelling.  We wrote labels to add to a picture of a toy box. 

We also had our class talks this week and we have been learning to build our confidence at talking in front of an audience.  Everyone tried really hard at listening and talking with just a couple to finish next week.  

Maths we were working on becoming confident at adding numbers together and using our strategies.  We also continued to look at o’clock. 

We looked at worries this week.  We were learning to understand what worries are and how we can deal with them.  We created our own worry monsters like the one we have in class to help us to remember we can talk about any worries we may have.

Primary 1 and the nursery had their fourth and fifth transition day.  We were sad it was our last one.  We all had fun over the times the nursery came. 

We continued to look at healthy foods this week.  We created our vet own healthy meals this week.  We had some great meals making Miss Brown very hungry.  We will continue to work on a balanced meal.  

In gym we continued with gymnastics and working on our balance and agility through jumps, balancing and rolls.

It also was sports day and everyone was very excited.  Miss Brown didn’t realise that all the children in her class were so fast.  

May 30, 2018
by Mrs Shankland

Low Port

The group have arrived safely at Low Port and judging by the photos on our Twitter page have had an adventurous day already. The sun has been shining for them too. The twitter page is :




May 28, 2018
by Mrs Shankland

Sports’ Day

Just a reminder that our school Sports’ Day will be tomorrow at 9.30am for Primary 1-3 and 1.30pm for Primary 4-7.

It will take place up in the area next to the MUGA at Kirkhill Primary School. The children can come to school in their sports’ wear if they wish.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for sunny weather.


🙂Image result for sports day


May 26, 2018
by Miss Brown

P1 update

This week Primary 1  wrote about their favourite toy to help them with their class talks next week.  We were concentrating on reasons why they were our favourite.

With our buddies we redrafted our top tips for the nursery children and Miss Brown thought that we did a fantastic job.  

In Maths we were working on subtraction and the strategies we use to help us.  Also looking at the resources we can use, for example a number line and the dinosaurs.

 We were continuing to recognise clocks that said o’clock and half past.

Primary 1 and the nursery had their third transition day.  It was lovely to see everyone having a good time and enjoying getting used to the Primary 1 area.  We looked a little at forces with a toy horse game on the smart board.

We began to look at healthy foods this week.  We were learning about what each section of the healthy plate was called and what foods we think may go into these sections.  

We also looked at understanding what trust is.  We all thought about who we could trust in school and at home. 

In gym we started played team games to work together to build relationships within class.


We enjoyed our buddies coming.  A group of us were being creative with the building blocks and made a slide for us to use.

Class talks start on Tuesday.  Let’s think what our favourite toy is… 

May 25, 2018
by Mrs McDonnell

Nursery Sport Day

Just a wee reminder that it is the nursery sports day on Wednesday 30th May 2018

AM  9:30 – 10:30

PM  1:30 – 2:30

Parents/Carers are welcome to come along and support the nursery children.

May 19, 2018
by Miss Brown

Primary 1 update

It has been a busy week this week in Primary 1.  In writing we discussed any top tips we could give the nursery children for when they come to school.  We each chose one tip and wrote It on our top top sheet so we can make a booklet for the nursery children.  

We looked at rhyme.  Our nursery rhyme was Hey Diddle Diddle.  The Holstein really enjoyed this rhyme.  We also were using picture clues to create rhyming words.

Maths we continued to look at time.  We were recognising clocks that said o’clock and half past.  We also drew hands on clocks.

Also we looked at our number sense by using  bunny ears and screened dominoes. 

Outside with Primary 2/1 we had to work on calculations using things outside or the chalk.


Primary 1 and the nursery had their second tradition day.  We love having the nursery to visit again. 

We also looked at the Royal family as we discussed the Royal Wedding.  The children were excited matching which Royal went with which Royal.

In gym we started to learn about gymnastics.  We are beginning to learn different rolls and how to keep control of our bodies in balance.

We had our celebrations success assembly and Miss Brown said she was very proud of us and we were amazing performing our song.  

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