The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

May 13, 2020
by Mrs MacPherson

Primary 2 – 13 May 2020

Good morning Primary 2.

I hope that you are all well and finding things to keep you busy.

Here is the learning grid for today:  13_05_20 grid

Today is National Numeracy Day and there’s lots of information at the website:

There are lots of Numeracy activities for you to try today on this grid – national numeracy day activities– I hope you enjoy them.  I’d love to hear from you about how you got on!

Have a great day!

Mrs Macpherson


May 13, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 13.5.20  😁

Hello all,

It is the middle of the week.

Here is your learning grid for today:

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 13.5.20

Here is the maths document.  It is a chilli challenge, complete one challenge, try and challenge yourself.

count on back 13.5.docx


Photo Challenge Photo a day challenge

Today’s challenge is a photo of something silly.  I will post mine on tomorrow 🙂

Here is Miss Brown’s photo of something big, i decided a big tree:

Have a great day.  I would love to hear from you on your journals.

Miss Brown 😁

May 12, 2020
by Miss Duncan

P1 – Spelling and Maths Check-up


Just a note to say I’ve added on a mini spelling check up onto Sumdog along with the maths one. I would really appreciate if everyone could have a go, it would be great for me to just have a wee check and see where everyone is! The spelliong check up will say and word, it will either be a tricky one or one you can sound out! You will then hear it in a sentence. Try your best to spell out the word! Both check-ups will be available until Friday so it would be great if you could spend 15 minutes max on each during the week!

Thank you,

Miss D 🙂

May 12, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Good Morning,

I hope you are all having a great week so far?

Here are our learning activities for today. Learning Grid 23 12th May 2020

I have kept this week’s challenge the same to allow people time to try it. We are also going to start another topic- When Gran/ Grandad was young. This is your chance to learn about what was different  when your Gran or Grandad was growing up. Has school changed a lot? e.g. technology, holidays etc.

We are continuing to learn about fractions and please keep practising telling the time. I have created a challenge on Sumdog to give you extra practise of both Times Tables and Fractions.

Have a great day.

Mrs McDonnell



May 12, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – Tuesday 12th May

Hello, P1,

Hope everyone had a good day yesterday! Below is today’s learning grid! There is also a link to the WL School Meal Survey 2019/20. Please could everyone follow the link and fill in the survey, thank you!

Survey –

I hope everyone has a great day and as always I look forward to seeing posts on the learning journals!

Miss D 🙂

day 2

May 12, 2020
by Miss Fleming

P2 12th May

Good morning P2!

I hope you had a good day yesterday!

Here is today’s learning:

12th May Grid

Today BBC Bitesize has uploaded a helpful video and some exercises to practice our connective word “and” which we are learning about today! Here is the link:

Here is a quick survey about school lunches, can you please fill it out online?

I’m very impressed that a few people have started the Sumdog challenge. If you haven’t started it, give it a go to revise place value as this will help with your learning this week.

Have a great day and let me know if you need anything!

Miss Fleming

May 12, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

P3/2 – Tuesday 12th May

Good morning P3/2,

I hope you are all having a good morning so far and are ready for a great day.

Below is today’s grid.  I was very impressed with the people who sent me their division work yesterday.  What a great start people have made already!  We are carrying on with division in numeracy today and in grammar we are going to continue our work on synonyms, those words which mean almost the same thing.  I have given you an art activity based on the portrait work we were doing before we finished in class.  It looks as if the updates are now finished on the learning journals site so hopefully it is even easier to add photographs of what you have been doing and I would love to see some updates from you all.

Tuesday 12th May

I know lots of you have been enjoying Mr Mc’s phonic videos.  He hasn’t done the ‘igh’ sound yet but here is a link to the ‘ng’ sound which we revised a few weeks ago.

Also please could you fill out this survey about school lunches (click here).  The link takes you straight to the survey and it should only take a minute or to to complete.

Finally I will be in school for lunches today so if you are coming up to collect your lunch do make sure to say hello.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Clayton

May 12, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 12.5.20 – Alphabet ‘Jj’

Here is your alphabet task today.  Watch these video clips and practice remembering what the letter sound and the letter name is.

We are practicing ‘Jj’

  • the letter sound
  • the letter name

Miss Brown 😁


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