The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

P3 Learning Activities


Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you are all well and having a good week?

Our learning activities continue today by returning to look at telling the time using a digital display. There are a couple of video clips to watch and a worksheet to complete. There is also a challenge on Sumdog to help you practise fractions and times tables.

I have asked you all to do some writing today too. Imagine you are 64 years old. I have added an episode of Magic Grandad and a song to help you. You should have interviewed a relative or a family friend via phone or zoom by now. This will also help you. Use your imagination and ask an adult to help if you find anything tricky.

How will the world have changed?

What will daily life be like?

What have you achieved in life?

Write in Sentences using capital letters at the start of each new sentence or if you use a proper noun- name of a place or someone’s name. Try to use interesting adjectives if you can. End each sentence with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark if appropriate. Use finger spaces in between words and check over each sentence to make sure it makes sense.  Don’t worry too much about spelling, just sound out words and try your best.Include a picture of what you might look like.

Learning Grid 13th May 2020

I would love to hear from you or see your work. You can take a picture and send it to me via the school email address

Have a good day

Mrs McDonnell


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