Primary 4/3 have had a very busy first week. We have been looking at stories by Dr Seuss. We used the story of Horton Hears a Who to design our class charter and think about how we can all make a difference. We also made some ‘Who’ inspired music and as the Whos are very small we started to look at investigating and measuring length. We also used magnifying glasses to look at insects, bones and skulls in more detail.
After reading the Dr Seuess’ ABC we wrote our own stories for each letter of the alphabet using alliteration and made our own book which we shared with P1.
On Friday with Mrs McCann we read ‘If I Ran the Zoo’ and we wrote our own stories about what we would do if we ran the school! There great ideas like a puppy hugging class and pizza for lunch, though Mrs McCann wasn’t very happy with the ideas that all the teachers were fired!
One of the most important things we have done this week is make new friends! We are really looking forward to more learning next week.