This week we have continued to learn about Fractions, Decimals and Percentages and the link between them. We used the IZAK9 cube to show what we had learned and worked in teams to show equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. James was also named our class Numeracy Ambassador.
After our writing assessment last week, Miss Sutherland was very proud of all our work. There were many examples of WOW words, great openers, connectives and adventurous punctuation. We looked at this in our writing this week and tried to include all of these in our writing to make it interesting, highlighting good examples.
Health & Wellbeing
This week we took part in some of the Body Coach sessions with Joe Wicks. We found it hard but rewarding and we understand the benefits of daily exercise. In gymnastics, nearly all of us braved the horse and performed a forward roll on it. We have started low and will ass height each week.
Learning Across the Curriculum
We are putting the final touches to our floor books this week in preparation for our presentations next week.
Well done to our Pupil’s of the Week: James, Alfie and Lee C
Have a lovely weekend 🙂
Miss Sutherland and P7