The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

Weekly Update – P7



This week we continued to consolidate our inference skills, looking for evidence in a text and using this to justify our answers.  This will help us when we start our critical essays in Term 4.  It was also our last session with Mrs Burrows from the academy this week.  We had a chance to reflect on our learning and ask further questions about life after Primary School. In Grammar we have been looking at auxiliary verbs and unusual past tenses.


We have started to look at division this week in preparation for working on fractions, decimals and percentages.  In order to be successful, many of us need to practise our tables. Much of our Home Learning will be centered around this from next week.

Health & Wellbeing

We have been continuing to practise our tennis skills, competing with our partners on how many times we can pass back and forth with each other.  For indoor P.E. we have been learning dances relating to the 20th century to perform as part of our Assembly.

Learning Across the Curriculum

This week it was our turn to hold an assembly.  We spent most of the week learning lines, making videos, sourcing images and dancing to the Charleston, Hand Jive and Thriller.  We hope everyone who came along to watch enjoyed it and learned something.

Looking Ahead:

  • We will continue division in maths and past tense in grammar.
  • We will have a visit from the SSPCA on Wednesday.
  • P.E. is on Wednesday and Thursday – Please have kits!

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