The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

Primary 6/5

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We hope you all had a great October break. We are excited to be back and looking forward to another term!

In literacy this term, we are looking at poetry. This week we did a poetry hunt and looked for different types of poetry around the classroom and compared their key features. We looked at acrostic poetry, limericks, shape poems and free flow poems. We had a go at writing a Halloween acrostic poem using lots of  alliteration to make our poem spookier! Here is some that we came up with…

                 Vanishing vampires                        witches whizzing                 murdering mummies      spooky skeletons                 creepy costumes                           Horrifying Halloween                                  gruesome ghosts                                                                              Halloween horror                 gruesome graveyards          ghostly graveyards             

In maths, we have started a block on multiplication and division. We have been reminding ourselves of what multiplication means and how we can draw it or show it. We will be initially focusing on the 3, 4 and 6 times table if you would like to do any practice at home!

Recently in health and wellbeing, we have been exploring what it means to be healthy. We discovered that along with exercise, the kind of food we eat is really important to help us grow and learn. We looked at the food wheel and the sorts of food we should be eating lots of and the sorts we should only have as a treat. To help us try and be healthy in school, we have been set a challenge! To have a junk free food classroom for this term. Each day we will look at what everybody has brought in for a snack and see how healthy we all have been. If we manage to bring in a healthy snack, we will get a sticker on our healthy snack chart. For those get 5 stickers over the course of the week we will have a special treat on Friday. We look forward to seeing if we can be as healthy as possible over the course of this term!

We have also enjoyed doing out Art and Design this week where we looked at Scottish artist, Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his famous style of work. We then had a go of making our own attempts at this style looking at the rose which was very iconic in across a lot of his work.







Highlights of the week…

Blanka – I enjoyed playing games in P.E

Joshua – I liked doing the Halloween acrostic poem

Layla – I enjoyed writing the acrostic poem

Jack – I enjoyed going to Light Club


This term we will continue to be on a Monday and Thursday. Please can you ensure that you child has got a P.E that is suitable for both indoor and outdoor sessions.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Thomson 🙂

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