The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

Primary 6/5 – Week 3

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Another busy week in Primary 6/5…

In our literacy this week we have been continuing to focus on our persuasive writing. We were asked the question: Should fidget spinners be allowed in school? We had discussions and thought about the arguments for and against and started planning our response using mind maps and burger plans. There were some great points made! We have started reading the BFG as our class novel. We used Hot Seating to ask witnesses about what they saw when Sophie was kidnapped! We also made and painted giants based on the description we heard in the story.


In maths we have been busy working on rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and even 1000s. Some of us have been exploring odd and even numbers. We’ve enjoyed playing lots of games on the interactive whiteboard. We really like playing this game (click to view) to help us with our estimating work. Some of us managed to get it exactly right! Have a go at home!

In P.E we are focusing on the skills of working together effectively as a team. We took part in different challenges to help our communication skills…


It’s been a great week and here are some of our highlights…

Ruby – My highlight this week was making the giants because it was fun.

Alexander – I also liked doing the giants because my team worked well together.

Layla – I like doing the giants because I thought my team worked well together.

Harrison – I liked painting the giants.

Lewis H – I enjoyed making posters for the chocolate competition.

Blanka – I like doing the giants and doing the burger plan because they were really fun!

Oscar – I enjoyed making the sweet with the playdough with Mr Robertson

Emilie – I enjoyed watching the Travelling by Tuba music group and seeing their cool instruments.

Dillon – I liked making the playdough sweets with Mr Robertson

Kasey – I enjoyed making the sweets with Mr Robertson

Matthew – I like when we saw Travelling by Tuba and listening to their music.

Tia – I like doing the chocolate plan with Mr Robertson

Callum – I like listening to the BFG and creating the giants.

Amy – I enjoyed our team work games in P.E and making the giants.

Gemma – I enjoyed our Daily Mile and joining in with the Travelling by Tuba performance

Jack – I enjoyed watching the Travelling by Tuba performance.

Steven – I enjoyed being in one of the performances of Travelling by Tuba

Lewis D – I enjoyed doing our superhero and making our giants from the BFG

Maddison – I like doing our Daily Mile


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