The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

P3 update


Another busy week!

Another busy week with lots of things going on-

Ukulele practice!

A lot of the start of this week was spent practising their ukulele skills in preparation for the Celebrating Success assembly. I am very proud of their playing and singing. It’s not an easy thing to play in time, change chords AND sing in tune (or maybe thats just me!)

Shoebox Challenge

The P3 pupils from Dechmont PS were here again for another transition day – this gave us the opportunity to continue our work on our Shoebox Car for the Primary Engineer challenge.  Cars getting complete, decorated and tested this week.




This week P3s learned about the process of mummification that was carried out by the Ancient Egyptians. They were grossed out by the thought of the brains being scooped out via their nostrils!

The class have also tried to make their own “mummies” – by carrying out mummification of tomatoes.

The class are going to make observations over the next few weeks to see what happens to their mummies and see if their predictions come true.

Roots of Empathy

P3s are coming to the end of the RoE program with only 1 more visit from Baby Billie due next week. This week they were recapping all the things they have learned, and wrote some wishes for Baby Billie to be put into a book to present to her next week.

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