The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

Our learning this week


In Literacy this week we learned all about onomatopoeia (noisy words). We read a poem and picked out all the words that sound like the noise they make!

An onomatopoeia
is a very special thing.
It’s a word like quack or flutter,
or oink or boom or zing.
It sounds just like its meaning,
for example snort and hum.
It’s the crash and clang of cymbals, and the rat-a-tat of drums.
It’s the clatter and the plip-plops, and the beeps and bonks and chirps.                                                                         It’s the mumbles and the rumbles, and the rattles and the burps.
It’s the hissing and the buzzing, and the giggles and the moos.
And on a spooky moonlit night,
it is a scary BOO! 

We then worked in groups to think of all of the noisy words that we could think of. Some of our favourites were; plop, zing, crunch, smash and slurp!

Mrs. Robertson showed us a video to help us to remember the word onomatopoeia and what it means. The song was stuck in our heads all day!

In Health and Wellbeing we have been revising what situations are “big deals” and “little deals”. Some of us are coming to the teachers often with lots of “little deals”. It is important for us to try to solve our own problems and deal with little issues with our peers. It helps us to develop our emotional literacy and helps to free the teachers up to teach us!

We all enjoyed the P6/7 Assembly on Friday for Red Nose Day. Some of us dressed in red, while others dressed “funny for money.” The assembly helped us to learn about the meaning of Comic Relief and all of the super causes that our donations go to.

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