The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

What we’ve been up to this week…


In Maths, we have been learning about all things money. We have been revising coins and have looked at some real life debit cards, store cards and notes thanks to Mrs. Blair’s purse! It is great when we have a Maths topic that links to the real world and helps to make our learning relevant. Why not test our knowledge by letting us help you with the weekly shop?

In Numeracy, we have been revisiting addition. We have been discussing the different methods that we have for calculating the sum of numbers (mentally and written as a chimney sum). We need to keep remembering our place value (HTU) to help us with this and we will continue to work on this next week with Mrs. Robertson.


In Literacy, we have been working on pronouns. We have been looking at sentences containing nouns and we are able to change them into pronouns, where appropriate, to help them sound better. For example, we changed the following sentences:

Jessica picked up a tennis ball and Jessica threw the ball so high that Jessica could not see the ball anymore!

Jessica picked up a tennis ball and she threw it so high that she could not see it anymore!


In Art, with Miss Harvey, we have completed our Winter pictures. They are now up in the classroom for all to see! We used a range of media to create our pictures; paper, paint, glitter and chalk. We are also looking forward to entering a special Art competition with Miss Harvey soon (more details to follow on next week’s blog).


Sadly, we had to say farewell to Jasmine today as she is moving to a new school. Although we are all very sad to see her go, we know that she will have a fantastic time in her new school and we have no doubt that she’ll make lots of new friends soon. Here is a photo of us surprising Jasmine with a ‘good luck’ sign when she came back from break!

We wish you good luck, Jasmine!

In other news, Mrs. Robertson has set up a class Dojo (thank you to Miss Thomson for your help!). You will receive your unique code this week so please make sure you check our bags for the slip. If you are new to Dojo, it is a secure online platform to help you to track your child’s achievements and behaviour in class. Pupils can earn Dojo points throughout the day and you will be notified instantly when your child has received points. We can also share what we have been up to in class via each child’s ‘story’ and I will put the blog posts onto Dojo each week too.

You can download the free Dojo App onto your Smartphone by searching for it in the Appstore or you can access it via We look forward to getting it up and running by Thursday next week!


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