The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

Our first days back at school in 2017 (Maddison and Grace Beckett picked the title)


Welcome back to everyone. We have only been back for 2 ½ days but have already been very busy.


“I enjoyed the first day back” – Cristian

“I enjoyed seeing Miss Dunn” – Kiera

“I could not wait to come back to school” – Maddison

“I am excited for the P4/5 show” – Toby

“I am happy to be back and see all of my friends” – Grace Sinclair

“We all shared in circle time about our favourite present from Santa” – Lewis

“I enjoyed making the resolution hats as we got to make our own goals for 2017” – Steven

“I enjoyed doing the resolution and mine is to feed my rabbit every morning” – Lewis

“My resolution is to get better at writing” – Nico

“I enjoyed learning about resolutions. I have decided mine is to take more responsibility of taking care of my dog” – Allie

“I enjoyed learning about synonyms because it was fun” – Grace Beckett

“I did not know what synonyms were but now I do. So big could be large, giant or massive” – Blanka

“I thought they were hard at the start but they got easier” – Sarah

“I had to persevere with my work” – Holly


We are going to do a topic on Scottish Inventors and we completed a say, write, make, do activity linked to this.

“I am excited to learn about inventors who made things” – Oscar

“I cannot wait to find out about things that are Scottish” – Maddison


We looked at our class charter and learning pit and spoke about never giving up. We watched a clip from Soar and discussed how this linked to our learning pit.

“I really liked that it taught me to never give up” – Alanna

“I enjoyed the movie because it taught me to always try my hardest” – Jayden


This week we got a letter back from the Macmillan team.

“I thought it was really cool because we got a letter back from them after we sent all our letters to them” – Layla

“I thought it was fab they sent us a letter” – Maddison



This week we all got a new reading book and home learning sheet. We also got our poems for the Scottish Poetry competition. We have liked going over these in class.

“I enjoyed learning the poems because it was fun” – Grace Sinclair

“I think the poems are a bit tricky” – Chantelle

“I thought the poems were hard at first but now I think it is a bit easier” – Joshua

“I got to recite a poem to the whole class. I liked hearing other people saying it” – Toby

“I liked the poems and I knew some of the Scottish words” – Zach


P4 will all recite their 1 poem on THURSDAY 19th JANUARY.



Lastly there is lots of excitement for our P4/5 show. On Monday Miss Thomson and Miss Dunn will let anyone who wishes to audition for a speaking part in the show to say these lines. Have a go at the lines over the weekend if you would like to audition.


Och aye, the news!

Good afternoon and welcome.

I’m Jock McTavish and this is Jill McHamish.


Have a lovely weekend and a Happy New Year to everyone!


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