P2/1 have been busy learning about different types of houses! The next step in our learning will be to be architects and design our own houses and maybe even a special house for a very special man and his reindeer helpers….
On that note, the Nativity rehearsals are now under way. Look out for children bringing home words to learn if they have a speaking part! More information about costumes etc. will be sent out at a later date!
In Maths next week P1 will be continuing doing sums with addition to 10 and writing their own sums with the numbers and symbols the correct way round. P2 will continue to learn different strategies to help them add within 20.
We will continue to send home new sounds and tricky words next week. Please have fun using the sounds to build words or use the cards as snap or matching cards!
Another reminder to please make sure your child has a spare part of indoor shoes in their bag on days they wear wellies to school. Not all children have P.E. shoes in school so require a change, especially on gym days!
Look forward to seeing some of you at our shared busy start next week!
Mrs Stenhouse and Mrs McDonnell
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