The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

Primary 7/6 News


Primary 7/6 have quickly settled back into routine and have been working hard this week.  We have had our first pupil reach step 3 towards Golden Club – Well Done Rachael!  We hope to see more next week.

Primary 7s have been working hard learning their lines and songs for our Pantomime.  We are now looking at set design and staging to have the show ready for our big performances.  Primary 6s have been set their task to learn lines to audition for the school show – Beauty and the Beast.  We are all incredibly excited!

In writing this week we watched a spooky clip and wrote our own creepy stories.  We focused on using good descriptive language to create a spooky atmosphere.  We have also made Halloween decorations and helped the P1 and P2/1 make brooms and wands.

Primary 7/6



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