Inveralmond Early Years Centre


This week we have bee very busy continuing to make all our Christmas crafts that you will be able to make a donation or pay £1 to take home next week! We’ve also been opening our nursery advent calendar daily!

Using our mark making skills, developing our early literacy and writing skills we have been practicing writing letters and words using a variety of materials including sand and a paint brush, paints, pencils and pens.

On the promethean board we have been exploring making patterns using the Christmas themed train. The children have also enjoyed taking part in cosmic kids yoga, stretching and exploring different ways we can move our bodies.

A few of the children wrapped up nice and warm with hats and gloves and enjoyed a walk to our local park. We took SIMOA who is our purple elephant which represents how we can keep everyone safe whilst in and out the nursery. SIMOA stands for Safety, Inspect, Monitor, Observe, Act. We discussed different ways we can keep safe whilst walking to the park. Crossing the road, Stop, Look and Listen. Staying together and walking together holding hands when we need to. Not touching dogs or animals that pass us. Well done everyone. You all showed great ways to keep safe with SIMOA.



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