We enjoyed another lovely walk in the local community with some of the children from Ladywell Nursery. It was great fun to explore one of the local parks and demonstrate our gross motor skills on lots of the park equipment!
In our nursery garden the children were discussing the change in weather, commenting on how cold it was. We discussed what we could do before coming to the garden to ensure we are kept warm whilst playing outdoors. Lots of the children were able to tell us to wear a jacket, hats and gloves. We have had lots of fun doing treasure hunts in the garden this week. The children worked together and co operatively to find the hidden treasure!
Using our coordination and mathematical skills we have been playing hop scotch!
We have continued to explore planets and the solar system this week, in particular fact finding the different planets names, how big they are and how far away they are from earth.
Some of the children were keen to show off their gymnastic skills so we provided a mat for them to do this. Fantastic forward rolls, well done!!
Some of the children have been talking about Santa and putting their Christmas tree up. We have had some Christmas themed problem solving games available on the promethean board and we have made a start for the children to make their own Christmas crafts which will be available to buy for £1 the week beginning 16th December.