This week in the garden we have been using the tyres and hoop to create our own solar system. We used our hand to eye co ordination and turn taking skills to throw the ball into one of the planets(tyres). We have also been very busy with lots of Christmas crafts and activities on offer.
We have been practicing our mark making and writing skills by writing our own letters to Santa. It’s been lovely hearing what they are asking for from Santa Clause! Some of the children have enjoyed dot to dot and colouring in pictures. We decorated our Christmas tree which the children had such fun helping with! Lots of children have been telling us about their own Christmas tree at home and if they have it up or not yet. We have decorated gingerbread biscuits with icing this week which was very popular! Some great decorating, well done!!
We have a very cheeky elf in nursery too!! I wonder if you will all be able to spot him everyday??…