A lovely book explaining Coronavirus to children, illustrated by Alex Scheffler.
Coronavirus Book (click to read)
A lovely book explaining Coronavirus to children, illustrated by Alex Scheffler.
Coronavirus Book (click to read)
Pupil Reading Journey Submissions
We are really looking forward to seeing everyone’s personal reading journey submissions as part of our hard work towards the ‘First Minister’s Reading Challenge’!
If you have any questions, please get in touch via the comments on here or school email address 🙂
This link provides more videos and practical activities to help your child count in 5s.
Click on the above link to take you to the Rising Stars website.
Please remember to use your own initials and surname.
This story goes alongside the P1 phonics learning this week on the sound ‘ai’.
Your child is already familiar with ‘Inky’s Vowel House’ and will hopefully be able to tell you the sounds and associated actions for each character with the help of the visuals.
Happy reading 🙂
WOW Words Information for Parents
This information leaflet explains ‘WOW’ (Wonderful & Outstanding Words), our new P1-3 vocabulary initiative. Please use this guide in conjunction with your child’s new learning grid for details of the story and focus words this week! Thanks 🙂
Good Morning, Primary 1 here are your learning grids for this week. Have a great week and let us know what you have been up to.
Hi boys and girls! I hope you all had a good weekend and managed to spend some time enjoying the beautiful weather. This weekend I went for some nice, long walks. I actually walked all the way down to the river Clyde which was lovely. I also had a barbecue in my garden and i dyed my little girls hair ‘unicorn’ colours, using scrunched up tissue paper and warm water!
I have put up another music lesson for every class on the ‘yumu’ site. To access yumu, you will need your login details. These are on a letter that you have all been given (P1-P3) or emailed (P4-P7). When you have entered the site, go to the ‘assignments’ tab where you will find this week’s lesson titled ‘Music Week Beginning 27 April 2020’. I hope you enjoy the activities. Let me know if you are unsure of anything or need help with passwords etc.
Mrs Meek x
Mrs Fletcher reads the true story of the Whitstonedge Cat.
Do you have pets? Why don’t you write a story about your pet?