Category Archives: Music

Music Lesson Week Beginning 11 May

Hi I hope everyone has had a great weekend.  I have prepared a Music lesson for this week (week beginning 11 May).  To access the lesson login to yumu. Primary one to three children were given login details in a letter.  Primary four to seven children have been emailed their login details to their glow email account.   Once logged in go to the ‘Assignments’ tab where you will find this week’s lesson.  There you will find some nice songs and fun, musical activities for you to try.  I hope you enjoy them.

Mrs Meek x

Music Lesson Week Beginning 27 April 2020

Hi boys and girls!  I hope you all had a good weekend and managed to spend some time enjoying the beautiful weather.  This weekend I went for some nice, long walks.  I actually walked all the way down to the river Clyde which was lovely.  I also had a barbecue in my garden and i dyed my little girls hair ‘unicorn’ colours,  using scrunched up tissue paper and warm water!

I have put up another music lesson for every class on the ‘yumu’ site.  To access yumu, you will need your login details.  These are on a letter that you have all been given (P1-P3) or emailed (P4-P7).  When you have entered the site, go to the ‘assignments’ tab where you will find this week’s lesson titled ‘Music Week Beginning 27 April 2020’.  I hope you enjoy the activities.  Let me know if you are unsure of anything or need help with passwords etc.

Mrs Meek x


I am posting weekly music lessons on ‘Yumu’. All you need is your username and password to login and access the lessons. Pupils in Primary 1 to 3 pupils were given letters which have their login details on them. To access the music lesson: Logon to the site then go to the ‘Assignments’ tab. Within the site there is also a selection of fun songs for your child to sing and move along to.