Final Week Song Challenge!

Hi boys and girls!  I cannot believe this is our last week before the holidays!  I hope you are all well.  I have decided to set you a musical  ‘Song Challenge’.  Find as many of these as you can!

Find a song that…

  1. Makes you happy!
  2. Your Parent / guardian used to love listening to when they were younger.
  3. Reminds you of a certain place.
  4. Was released the year that you were born.
  5. Has a colour in the title.
  6. Was released ten years before you were born.
  7. Reminds you of the weekend.
  8. You love to sing in the shower!
  9. A ‘boyband’ from the nineties used to sing. (You might have to ask your parents about this!)
  10. You love from 2019.
  11. comes from a favourite film.
  12. was made famous by Elton John
  13. Has been released by more than one band / artist.
  14. Has an animal in the name.
  15. Your grandparent / older relative remembers from their youth.

Have fun!

Mrs Meek xx