Reading books and Comprehension Activities

Rising Stars Reading Planet

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Usernames are the first initial of pupil’s first name followed by  their surname:
Boris Johnson would be bjohnson
Passwords are the initials of both first name and surname followed by EH48
so username: bjohnson
Password: bjEH48


Please remember to use your own initials and surname.

8 thoughts on “Reading books and Comprehension Activities”

    1. Hello, I thought that I needed this too but when I missed it out and clicked log in it worked. Don’t know if you get the same screen as me? However our school centre id is 6019217. Hope you manage ok now. Mrs Ilgunas

    2. Did you get on? You shouldn’t need it but it is 6019217 if it is playing up. I hope you find the books selected are ok?

  1. Hi sorry we are late to the rising stars party! We can’t get logged in, have tried and tried even one of the other mums had a go

    Ayla’s mum

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