Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sensory Play

Sensory play allows children to explore discover, imagine, create and learn while engaging their senses.


Choose a box, tray, basin or baking dish.

Add whatever you like to your container. It could be – pasta, rice, Cotton wool, buttons, shredded paper, lentils. You could also add wet textures water, ice cubes, Jelly, cooked spaghetti and beans.

One of the best parts of a sensory tray is filling, dumping, pouring and transferring. You could add spoons and jugs for pouring. Most importantly have lots of fun

Reading Books

Rising Stars Reading Planet

Click on the above to go to see the new books added for Nursery.

Remember usernames are either nursery1 for pre-school children or nursery2 for ante – children aged 3 and above with a further year in nursery.

Password is nrEH48

Playdough Recipe

Playdough Recipe

2 cups of flour

½ cup of salt

A glug of vegetable oil

Cold water

Food colouring , spices, fabric conditioner-optional

Add flour and salt to large bowl and mix thoroughly. Then add oil and water and any optional extras. Mix to a soft but not sticky dough.

Flour surface and knead for a short while then its play time.

This will keep for 3-4 days in an airtight box.

This activity aids numeracy ,literacy and science.