All posts by Miss Percy

Glitter Germs

Glitter Germs!

You will need some glitter for this little experiment!

It is very important to wash our hands and keep them clean and free of germs!

Try this activity out and lets see if you can keep your hands clean!

  1. Pour some glitter into your child’s hands
  2. Rub hands together so that the glitter is spread evenly
  3. Try and get the glitter off with a plain paper towel or piece of tissue
  4. Then try and get the glitter off your hands with cold water

Which solution gets rid of the glitter best? What do you think?


Sensory Bottles

Sensory Bottles


  • Plastic bottle
  • Food colouring
  • Any materials you may find useful – Glitter, sequences, beads, rice, pasta, lego, cut up straws, cotton balls
  • Sellotape
  1. Fill an empty water bottle 1/3 full with water
  2. Add a few drops of food colouring
  3. Once the food colouring has spread through the water, fill the rest of the bottle up with with olive oil/vegetable oil
  4. Add glitter, sequences, beads, rice, pasta, lego, cut up straws, cotton balls. Any material you wish to use to make your sensory bottle your own!
  5. Remember to sellotape the bottle lid onto the bottle so that it doesn’t spill and ruin your creation!

Bubble Painting


  • Bowl or tray
  • Washing up liquid
  • Water
  • Paint
  • Drink straw
  • Paper

Follow these steps:

  1. Put a squirt of paint into the bowl/tray. Add a few drops of washing up liquid.
  2. Add some water to make it runny consistency to blow bubbles.
  3. Using the drinking straw, blow into the paint mixture to create the lot of bubbles so they rise above the bowl
  4. Place the paper lightly on top of the bubbles until they stop popping
  5. Carefully lift the paper so not to smudge the paint
  6. The popped bubbles will have left a complex pattern of  interlinking circles.
  7. Leave to dry.
  8. An adult could help you make another creation by cutting your work into a shape -e.g. butterfly, flower, car, football

Get Creative With Loose Parts

Before you throw packaging and household items into the recycling have a think about if they could be used for play. It may get messy but loose parts are a great way to keep children busy and being creative around the home. You could use cardboard boxes, cotton wool, yogurt pots, old greeting cards, wall paper, ribbon, bottle tops, wrapping paper. You could place them in a cardboard box and encourage your child to play with them. Loose parts provide many experiences for children to be creative, curious and imaginative

Eastertoun 2020 Olympics

Please join in and have some fun with our new Olympics theme! If you go to our Olympic’s page on the blog you will find loads of fun and different activities that you could do.

Remember and leave us comments of all the different things you have been doing so we know what all the boys and girls have been up to! We can’t wait to see how you will be joining in on the Olympics at home!