Molly and Dinah slowly approached the zoo keeper. The zoo keeper turned and looked down at the two girls. “We’re lost!” they said. The zoo keeper looked shocked and scratched his head in puzzlement. “You shouldn’t wonder off all on your own girls, it’s dangerous!”, “Can you help us please?” said Dinah bravely. “Of course I can girls” he marched over to a huge board with a map on it and pointed to an arrow that read ‘You are here’. “Right girls” he proclaimed, “You need to go back past the lemurs, then turn right, walk through the monkey enclosure, turn left past the parrots and you will see a big blue dolphin bin which is the schools meeting point”. The girls looked dazed with the amount of instructions that they were just given. “Did you get that all?” the zoo keeper said cheerily. The girls nodded and set off on their way, up for the challenge put in front of them. ​

They skipped past the lemurs. They walked swiftly past the monkeys whilst pulling funny faces at the chimps. Molly and Dinah were beginning to tire, all these adventures were exhausting for two little girls. Then they trudged past the parrot enclosure. Finally they saw Mrs Lund their teacher looking around worried. She suddenly saw them and a smile spread across her face. “There you are girls, I have been worried sick”. The girls smiled up at her, happy they were back with someone and somewhere they felt safe. “Sorry Mrs Lund we have had one big adventure”. “Oh I can’t wait to hear!”. ​