Molly and Dinah decided to listen to the Zebra.​

The zebra said they should go to the zookeeper and ask for help. “Help” they both said, “The giraffe has vanished”.​

They told the zookeeper about how the giraffe had stolen the pancake with its long tongue and had suddenly become invisible. “It was just an accident” Molly said. She felt very sorry and was keen to help the giraffe to be visible again.​

“Don’t worry” said the zookeeper. I have a very helpful snake that I can use to pull the pancake out of the giraffe’s tummy.​

The zookeeper found a very tall ladder, climbed up the ladder to the top and reached over to feel for the giraffe’s mouth. He slowly opened its mouth, reached inside and dangled the long snake down into the giraffe’s tummy.​

The snake grabbed hold of the pancake and the zookeeper pulled the snake back up and out of the giraffe’s mouth.​

“Phew” said the zookeeper who was very relieved to have managed it. The giraffe suddenly became visible again.​

“Hurray” shouted Molly and Dinah who were watching the whole time.​

Everyone was so happy that the giraffe was visible again that they all went to eat some delicious blackcurrant ice lollies!​

The End​