Molly and Dinah decided to listen to the lemur and go to get help.​

They ran to the zookeepers near the giraffe enclosure. “Help!!” They both shouted. “The giraffe has gone invisible!”​

“Who’s been feeding him pancakes?” demanded the zookeeper. He was very cross. “He escapes out the zoo when he’s invisible. The last time we found him in Africa!!”​

Molly told the cross zookeeper that it was an accident and that the giraffe had stolen her pancake. “Maybe its not too late” said the zookeeper. “If we can find him, we can pull the pancake out his stomach and make him visible again”.​

“But how will we see him?” asked Molly.​

“I’ve got a special pair of goggles that allows me to see invisible things” explained the zookeeper. “Lets go and get them”.​

So, Molly, Dinah and the zookeeper went to find the special goggles. Then they went back to the giraffe cage to look for him. They were very lucky as the giraffe hadn’t managed to escape yet.​

The zookeeper got VERY tall ladders and climbed up them to the giraffes mouth. He reached with his long arm down the giraffe’s throat. “I’ve found it” he shouted happily. “​

Molly and Dinah still couldn’t see the giraffe as they didn’t have any goggles. It looked very funny to see the zookeeper reaching into thin air on his very tall ladders.​

Very slowly, the giraffe started to reappear. First, his brown spots could be seen. Then his head. Then his swishing tail. Finally, the rest of his body appeared.

Molly and Dinah shouted with delight to see the giraffe again. “Let’s go and tell our teacher and class all about the invisible giraffe!” They said.​

They ran back to the teacher. “Mrs Jackson, Mrs Jackson!!! We’ve just seen a giraffe go invisible, then come back again!”​

Mrs Jackson laughed. “Don’t be silly girls. Giraffes can’t go invisible!!”​

But we know they can after eating pancakes, don’t we?​

So remember when you are next at the zoo, keep your pancakes well away from these cheeky giraffes.