Author: wladele.cowie@glow

Welcome CYOA – Early Years!

Molly’s Trip to the Zoo

Molly was very excited. Today was her class’s trip to the zoo. Molly loved animals and was thrilled when her teacher told the class. “Molly! Are you up?” called her mum up the stairs. “Yes Mum, just coming!” she shouted back. She quickly put her water bottle in her bag and charged down the stairs. 

“Ready?” Mum smiled. Molly grinned at her and the two set off. ​

Luckily they got to the school in time. ​

“Bye sweetheart!” called her mum through the school gates. ​

“Bye” answered Molly. When she was in the class, Mrs Jackson took the register and then the boys and girls lined up for their trip. Molly and her best friend Dinah were bobbing around with excitement. “I can’t wait!” they  whispered in unison.​

They had a lovely day at the zoo. ​

“Right class! You only have time to see one more animal exhibit, so choose wisely!” “Come on Molly! Let’s go and see the lemurs!” exclaimed Dinah. Molly had desperately wanted to go and see the zebras. They were her favourite animal. But Dinah was tugging at her arm. “Come on Molly!” She didn’t want to go and see the zebras on her own but she didn’t want to go and see the lemurs. What should she choose? Zebras on her own or lemurs with a friend?​

(Nursery-Simpson PS)

Molly wanted to stay with her friend Dinah so she decided to go and see  the lemurs with her.  They set off down the path, walking past the giraffes on the way to the lemurs.​

Molly was feeling hungry after a long day walking around the zoo.  She looked in her bag and took out a pancake to eat for a snack.  ​

Molly was so busy chatting to her friend that she didn’t notice when a long tongue came and scooped the pancake right up out of her hand.  She turned around.

Image result for giraffe

Should she:


Demand the giraffe stops eating the pancake       Offer the giraffe another pancake