“Oh no!” Said the pancake in a panic.  “Giraffes can’t eat pancakes!”​

But the greedy giraffe did not listen to the pancake and gobbled it all up!​

“Oh dear,”  said the zebra to Molly and Dinah, looking very worried.​

“When giraffes eat pancakes they disappear.”  The zebra explained “pancakes make giraffes invisible!

Suddenly there was a BIG LOUD NOISE!

“It was a big surprise!” Said the lemur with fright.​

“What was that noise?” Wondered Molly and Dinah?​

Suddenly, everyone realised the giraffe had disappeared!

“Oh no! We need to go and get help!” the lemur cried.

“No! Follow me! I know what to do,” said the zebra.

Who should they listen to?

Lemur                                                                           Zebra