World Earth Day
@EcoSchoolsScot @BoghallN #rightsrespectingschool #RRSA
Learning Journals
Lets Build!!
1. Create a rainbow using Lego/duplo
Indoor Scavenger Hunt!
The Tiger who came to Tea by Judith Kerr, read by our very own Mrs McAlpine!
Click on the link above to hear the story!
Sticky Kid Fun
Happy Easter!
Cosmic Yoga with Freddy!
Bear Baking
Yesterday Freddy was inspired by one of our nursery children to do some baking!
He enjoyed measuring all the ingredients and discovering what happened when each ingredient was added. If you follow the link you will find the recipe Freddy followed;…
Freddy would love it for you to share your photos with us, hes excited to see what you can bake!