Virtual Classroom

We know how hard it is for a lot of our children not being able to go into nursery just now, but we’d love for them to have fun exploring these online resources in our virtual classroom- there might be a few familiar faces!

Design your own Tartan

Keeping up with our Scottish themed activities this week, your challenge today is to create your own tartan! You can use whatever colours you like, here are some pictures to help inspire you!


Alphabet Letters

Good morning! Here’s a handy idea for practicing letters and letter sounds at home- create your own alphabet! Use things around the house to help you, and please share the results with us if you do!


Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Here’s a fab task to get you moving and thinking even more at home- an indoor scavenger hunt! Use the sheets below to find as many things around the house as you can- how quickly can you find them? How much did you find? Let us know!


Scottish Poem

This week, we’d love for our children to have a go at reciting this Scottish poem- some of the words are a bit tricky! Please take a video and send us them in either via your child’s Learner’s Journal, Twitter or email! Enjoy!


Happiness Jar

Today, something you could do is make a ‘Happiness Jar’. Decorate a jar of your choosing, and every week write on a bit of paper something positive that has happened! You could share this with us, we love to know what you get up to!


Welcome Back !

Good morning everyone! We’re excited to get back to digital learning, it’s great for us to see what you get up to at home and we love feedback as well :). Here’s some ideas for you to get up to this morning:

Even though the snow’s mostly melted, that doesn’t mean winter’s gone just yet! Here’s some ideas for an outdoor scavenger hunt. What can you find either on a walk or looking out the window? How do you know it’s winter? What signs is there?

See the source imageSee the source image

Also this morning, you can access PE online on Joe Wicks’ Youtube to get you moving! Follow the link below:

PE With Joe | Monday 11th Jan 2021 – YouTube

Spaghetti and blu-tack

Can you build a structure using spaghetti and blu-tack? Or create a 3D shape? This is such an easy and fun activity for you to try at home, and encourages fine-motor skill development! Let us see what you come up with 😊

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