Bookbug Visit!

The Wednesday children were very excited to meet the

“actual real bookbug” Martha

The children enjoyed listening to a story ‘The Crocodile Who Was Afraid Of Water’ before singing some of their favorite nursery rhythms and songs hoping that the Bookbug would hear and come to see them.

They were not disappointed, not only did he visit he also left a gift for the Anti-Preschoolers in the form of an EXPLORER BAG (Pre-school children will have received theirs last year) .

The Scottish book trust aim to inspire young readers, offing explorer bags to 3 year olds and also run free sessions within local libraries and community centers across Scotland (including our own community wing in Boghall).

These sessions are great fun and full of stories, songs and rhyme which support the development of speech, confidence, movement and co-ordination skills.

For more information please go to


The Actual Real Bookbug  on Film 7 Feb 2018


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