Find out which fruits and vegetables in your home are grown in Britain and which are grown in other countries in the world. You can look at the label, ask someone or use a computer. Make a table showing foods grown in Britain and foods grown abroad.
Can you find find any of the countries from your table on a map of the world?
Do you have any foods at home showing a Fairtrade label? Make a list.
Read an excerpt of your favourite book aloud to someone. Can you explain why you like it?
Can you write an alternative ending to your favourite story?
Design and make a book mark showing illustrations from your favourite book.
Write a story or a poem about a snowy day. Can you use some of the wow words we have already discussed in class – powdery, deep, soft, thick, slushy, crunchy and drifting to describe the snow?
Carry out a science experiment using snow. Collect 2 tablespoons of snow in 3 different containers. Place them in different places in your home. Time how long each takes to melt. Can you explain why one has melted faster than the others? Write up your experiment.
Learn the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables. Can you make arrays using objects in your home?
Have fun playing in the snow!
Primary five are learning about Fairtrade this term. We are looking forward to a trip to a chocolate factory Thursday 24th September.P5 Newsletter
Primary 3 will be visiting Dynamic Earth on Wednesday 18th March to do a workshop on wonderful weather. We will leave at 9.00am and return around 2.30pm.
This term we are learning about Weather in Primary 3. So far we have been finding out about climate zones of the world and weather forecasting We will be working in groups to create and present a weather forecast. We are looking forward to a trip to Dynamic Earth in the coming weeks. Letters will be sent out soon.
Welcome to Blackridge Primary School