Bellsquarry Primary School

Trees Around the World – Australia

Primary 3 learned about the Eucalyptus Tree. It grows in Australia. It is very hot, sunny and dry in Australia and Eucalyptus trees need lots of water so they tend to grow near rivers or water sources. It’s hard for other plants to grow nearby because the Eucalyptus tree takes up lots of the water from the ground. Koalas eat Eucalyptus leaves for food and water (but only some types of Eucalyptus leaves!) and they sleep high up in the branches. Another name for the tree is the Gumtree. Most Eucalyptus trees are evergreen. Their leaves are lanceolate shaped and point downwards. The trees can grow up to 200 feet high. They can survive in bushfires because they have dormant parts that wake up after a bushfire and allow the tree to grow again. The Rainbow Eucalyptus tree is rainbow coloured underneath its bark. The tree can live for up to 250 years. Other animals seek the nectar of eucalyptus flowers to feed on.

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