All posts by Mrs Bennett-Palmer

Panto Pandemonium

Primary 3 watched the upper children rehearse their panto this afternoon and we thought it was awesome! Well done to all the children in the upper school. We thought the wicked witch was evil and funny. We are drawing pictures of our favourite characters and parts from the panto. Thank you for letting us watch!

Well done P3!

Well done P3 – your assembly was a huge success and you should feel very proud. All your dancing and singing practise paid off in the end. Thank you to Mrs Baird for piping us in and thank you to Mrs Hunter for playing the piano for us. Thank you also to all children who brought in shortbread and tablet to sell. By selling these and our lovely Charles Rennie Mackintosh brooches, we raised £40 for school funds!

P3 Assembly

P3 will be presenting their assembly on Friday 2nd December at 9am. We hope parents and carers can be an audience for our assembly as we have put a lot of work into this presentation. P3 will be selling hand-made brooches, tablet and shortbread after the assembly and the proceeds will go to school funds.