All posts by Mrs Bennett-Palmer

Happy and Healthy

P3 have been learning how to stay healthy and use encouragment to make each other happy. They were challenged to find as many words as they could within ‘encouragement’. They found a whopping 72 words! Well done to Kirsty for finding the word ‘teenager’ and well done to Leo for realising there were some names from P3 in there (Regan and Cameron).

P3’s “Ugly Sisters!”

During our Play session yesterday, P3 learned about sharing, co-operating and helping each other. We also had fun building lego ice-cream stands, shops and cinemas. Some children took their time colouring neatly whilst others got all dressed up. Can you tell who our “Ugly Sisters” are? Maybe they could be our court jesters for our Castle Showcase?

Science Week Challenge

Last week, P3 joined P2/3 in a Science Challenge to make a tower for Rapunzel. They were only allowed to use uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows to make their towers and had to work in teams. Some groups worked better than others because they drew a plan, listened to each other and helped each other.

Primary 3 Minibeast Workshop

Primary 3 had a visit from some Cool Creatures this week and attended a Minibeast Workshop. At the workshop, we saw and held a scorpion, millipede, python and giant shells. We also got to look at a tarantula exoskeleton and a cockroach. As a treat at the end of the workshop we got to meet Trouble and Rascal, the two Meerkats. P3 learned lots of interesting facts and we haven’t stopped talking about the Meerkats since!