On Monday 4th June P3 are having a small party in the afternoon to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. The children can wear red, white and blue or school uniform (no football colours please). We will have some party snacks, juice and play games. The children thought we could play musical thrones, pin the crown on the Queen and pass the royal parcel. If the weather is nice we will hold our party outdoors so sun cream, water and a hat might be a good idea.
Well done Max on receiving pupil of the week Mum and Dad and Melissa are all very proud of you and we know you have been working very hard at school. Max is looking forward to dressing in his favourite colours for the Jubilee Party, and he also enjoyed the photography club, thank you to Mrs B.P and Mr Drummond for making this club available Max is really looking forward to next weeks already!
Max has been visiting his Grandad in hospital and has been helping his Grandad to get better very proud of you Mum
Well done Max. It sounds like you have been very busy and helpful! I hope your Grandad gets better soon and you enjoyed our Jubilee party today. It was very kind of your Mum to send in treats and accessories for our party!
Thank you also to Rhea’s Mum for sending in treats for our party – they disappeared fast!