
Musical Extravaganza Comes to Primary 1/2

Dave Trouton, musician and music specialist visited Primary 1/2 for a full day of fun! Pupils learned how sound is made through sound waves and how we hear. They learned about the effect music can have on us and acted out different emotions. They played instruments as they made up a story and invited their Buddies from Primary 6/7 as an audience with their performance being very well received by Primary 6/7.

Road Safety Topic

Primary 1/2 have been learning about how to keep safe when out. They know always to hold hands and cross the road with an adult. They are beginning to learn about where a safe place to cross is. They have had input from the Junior Road Safety Officers who recapped on how to cross the road using our keys words: Kerb, Pavement and Traffic. The JRSOs also explained about how to Stop, Look, Listen and Think.