The monies have all been counted from the sponsored onesie walk and cake sale and we are extremely proud to announce that £730.55 was raised by the pupils in our school.
This money will be sent to UNICEF where they will use it to provide emergency shelters and classroom in a box materials for children living in areas affected by a natural disaster, war or conflict.
Thank you to all of you who put an entry into the family challenge: to design a house that would be wind (hurricane), water (tsunami) and shake (earthquake) proof.
The Rights Committee met this morning and tested the houses. First they grouped the entries by the main material they were made from. Then they split into pairs where they tested the houses against the elements. Jenna and Silvana were shaking the houses, with much vigor!! Alfie and Euan were trying to blow the houses off the table with the hairdryer! And Lilly and Hanna were pouring the water using a tea pot borrowed from P1/2!
Unfortunately there were some houses that did not survive, mainly the shake test! The entries that did survive are going to be judged by the class teachers at lunch time to decide upon a winner for each material catergory: wood, lego, cardboard and other. The winning houses will be announced after our Easter Service tomorrow in the Community Centre. So watch this space!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Oh dear… this one certainly did not survive!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Unfortunately these houses did not withstand the elements!
These houses were successful in withstanding the elements!
What a fantastic turn out of onesies and pj’s we had this morning for our sponsored walk. It was a brisk walk around the village square this morning however it was nice to wave to so many neighbours as we went. Thank you to our 3 parent helpers who put on their onesies to join us!
The sponsor money is still being counted and once we have added the money from the cake sale, we will inform you of our grand total raised for ‘Day for Change 2016’.
The entries for the family challenge are also fantastic and such a variety. It is going to be a hard test for the Rights Committee to find the house which survives the wind, water and shaking test! Testing will take place on Monday so that we have enough time to do it properly. If you haven’t brought in an entry and would like to be included, pleae hand in on Monday morning.
Thank you to all pupils who either dressed as they hero or dressed down on Friday 13th November for Children in Need.
The Pupil Council organised a cake sale at break time along with a competition to guess Pudsey’s middle name. The winner of the competition was Merryn in P2, who won a Pudsey teddy and keyring. Her winning guess was ‘Cuddly’.
A total of £135.00 was raised for this worthwhile cause. At Torphichen Primary School we strive to ensure that children’s rights are respected and through this fundraiser it highlighted Article 24: Every child has the right to the best possible health, Article 27: Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical, social and mental needs and Article 36: Governments must protect children from all other forms of bad treatment.
Thank you again to all who supported the Pupil Council.
On Friday 25 September 2015, the Rights Respecting Committee will be running some fun activities to raise money for the Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity. Alongside this event, the committee will be issuing pupils will an optional homework challenge with the chance of winning a prize.
The homework task is to draw, paint or create a model of a Roald Dahl book character and it must be in for Friday 25th September to be in with a chance of winning.
Look out for the homework challenge sheets in your child’s school bag and if you have any questions please get in contact!