Tag Archives: P4/5

P4/5 visit Sky Studios

What an amazing afternoon P4/5 had when they visited the new Sky Academy Studios. In the high tech surroundings of the new facility, they wrote scripts, created auto cues, chose costumes, selected backdrops, filmed, presented and edited their news report. An additional treat was a tour of the call centre where they had a feel for what it would be like to work for Sky. Each pupil came home with a certificate, lanyard and memory stick bracelet that had their news report saved on it! They are now looking forward to sharing their experience with others at their assembly in a couple of weeks.

Learning more about ships…

Primary 4/5 were very pleased to have a visit from Murray’s Dad today, who came into  talk to about working on a ship. The class had lots of questions to ask, including the jobs of the crew, what health and safety is like aboard modern ships, and even what the crew do to relax when out at sea. It was very interesting to compare to what life was like on the Titanic.

I wonder if anyone in the class can post some interesting facts from the visit?

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Health and Safety clothing