The monies have all been counted from the sponsored onesie walk and cake sale and we are extremely proud to announce that £730.55 was raised by the pupils in our school.
This money will be sent to UNICEF where they will use it to provide emergency shelters and classroom in a box materials for children living in areas affected by a natural disaster, war or conflict.
Thank you to all of you who put an entry into the family challenge: to design a house that would be wind (hurricane), water (tsunami) and shake (earthquake) proof.
The Rights Committee met this morning and tested the houses. First they grouped the entries by the main material they were made from. Then they split into pairs where they tested the houses against the elements. Jenna and Silvana were shaking the houses, with much vigor!! Alfie and Euan were trying to blow the houses off the table with the hairdryer! And Lilly and Hanna were pouring the water using a tea pot borrowed from P1/2!
Unfortunately there were some houses that did not survive, mainly the shake test! The entries that did survive are going to be judged by the class teachers at lunch time to decide upon a winner for each material catergory: wood, lego, cardboard and other. The winning houses will be announced after our Easter Service tomorrow in the Community Centre. So watch this space!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Oh dear… this one certainly did not survive!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Let the testing commence!
Unfortunately these houses did not withstand the elements!
These houses were successful in withstanding the elements!
This year the RRSA Committee have decided to hold our school’s Day for Change on Friday 18th March. To start the day, we will have a whole school sponsored walk around the village green dressed in our Onesies or PJs. There will then we a cake sale at break time and afterwards the RRSA Reps will hold a mini assembly in each class to inform the pupils about Day for Change.
This year Day for Change focuses upon children living in emergencies and how their rights are not always met. The money raised will go towards helping children in areas suffering from natural disasters, children living in violence, children living in worn-torn countries suffering from disease and refugee families who have no clean water.
Please look out for the sponsor sheet in your child’s school bag today and help towards one of our chosen charities. There is also a family challenge we would like all families to take part in!