Tag Archives: Charity Fund Raising

UNICEF Day for Change!

The sun shone on all the committees who had organised this day in order to raise funds for the Nepal appeal. Global Citizenship team organised world games and story telling, the Eco Committee served juice and biscuits and offered windmill making and Wish for the World activities, the Rights Group had people running around outside, joining in their games (Article 31) and Pupil Council auctioned off the Arts After School Club’s artwork and sold books. We will let you know next week what the total raised was – but it was certainly a successful day! Well done committees and thank you to all our visitors for coming along and joining in.

Red Nose Day

The Pupil Council organised a sponsored skip/jump -athon fund raising event  for Red Nose Day on Friday 13th March.  Luckily the weather was very good and all the classes in the school were able to take part in various activities outside.  During the week prior to the event, the pupil council members also sold red noses.  A big thank you to everyone who took part by buying noses, wearing red or getting sponsors.  We  will let everyone know the final total when all the sponsor money has been collected.  Here are some photos from Friday.


All for One, Onesie For All

Torphichen Primary School pupils, staff and parents donned a spectacular array of ‘onesies’ to raise money for Children in Need.

Tigers, bears, aliens and even Pudsey took to the street of Torphichen on Friday 15th November for a sponsored ‘Onesie Walk’, which the Rights Respecting Committee organised.  Along with the sale of Children in Need keyrings and wrist bands, our final total was a staggering £1250.77.  This is the highest amount of money raised for a single charity by the pupils. 

The Rights Respecting Committee also organised a ‘Pudsey Patch’ design competition, where pupils were given an eye patch to decorate and wear on the walk.  Primary 6 pupil Lana Morrison was selected by the Committee as the winning design, with Hanna Ward (P5) and Kirsty Taylor (P2) as runners up.

As well as raising money for Children in Need, the sponsored walk highlight that every child has the right to medical care and to participate fully in activities even if they are disabled.

Thank you to all parents, grandparents, extended family and friends who sponsored the pupils for this wonderful cause!  Also a wee thank you to all of those who turned out to watch us on our walk, especially our very own ‘Tony the Tiger!’  Who know who you are!!

MacMillan Coffee Morning & Roald Dahl Day 2013

Will as the Enormous Crocodile & Jacob as the BFG

Thank you to everyone who attended our annual MacMillan Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September 2013.  It was a HUGE success with an amazing £323 raised so far!!

As the coffee morning coincided with the Roald Dahl ‘Dahlicious’ Dress Up Day, we will split the money equally among the 2 charities.

Alfie Muir’s mum works for MacMillan Cancer Support and the P7 pupils will be inviting her in to share how the money raised will be spent.

Thank you again to everyone who donated cakes and to those who attended!  This event helped to raise awareness of everyone right to medical care when they require it (UNCRC Article 24).

Aimee as an Umpa Lumpa