Look what’s happening in P3/4

We were visited by SSPCA and listened to a talk about caring for animals. We then played a game to build a rehoming centre sharing facts about animals to win parts for the centre. Afterwards we worked as a group to build a robot rabbit and programme it to move around using a simple coding programme.

We have been researching further about rainforests and have begun to make a layer book with the information we discover.  So far we have investigated the different layers of the rainforest.

We have been working in small groups to tell a story about life in the rainforest through dance. We were focusing on shape, speed, size and signals to move together.

We have listening and following instructions during PE whilst taking part in Cosmic kids Yoga.

In Problem solving we have continued to apply the “reason logically” strategy to solve different types of problems including, soduko, logic puzzles and kakuro.

During our NYCOS music time we started to explore simple musical notation alongside rhythm.

Charlie -I have been investigating and counting face, vertices and edges of 3D shapes.

Quinn – I have been learning how quadrilaterals are four sided shapes.

Ross – I have been developing my ability to draw 3D shapes.

Summer –  I have been writing paragraphs of information to use in my Rainforest Layer book.

P6 Playscript Writing

As the P6s are both involved in the P5-7 show, we have begun to look at playscripts through Literacy.

For spelling practise this week, they had to create their ow script using their spelling words.

In writing, whilst working with a partner, they carried on the next scene from a traditional fairytale.  The success criteria the pupils decided for themselves was:

  • I can use appropriate punctuation (brackets, commas, colons, question marks, exclamation marks, full stops and capital letter)
  • I can sequence my script correctly and ensure it makes sense.
  • I can give the actor stage directions.
  • I can use descriptive vocabulary (adjectives, connectives and adverbs).

Next week, they will start to play their own play and then create a playscript to accompany this.

At Torphichen Primary we Love to Learn, Achieve, Respect and Nurture

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