The Eco Committee interviewed 51 people yesterday and were very impressed with the calibre of applicants! After much deliberation, they have chosen the committee which will take over their roles. The new members will be announced at the assembly this afternoon. Well done to all who were interviewed and to the committee for their professional approach.
P1/2 Edinburgh Visit
Primary 1 and 2 also visited Edinburgh on Monday. We were able to look at the different shops and street furniture as we walked down to the Museum of Childhood where were saw lots of old toys and were able to handle different objects. After lunch at Moray House College of Education we walked up to the National Museum passing Greyfriars Bobby on the way. We had very tired legs by the time we got back on the bus.
P3/4/5’s Trip to Edinburgh
Yesterday Primary 3/4/5 went on a school trip into Ednburgh to learn more about Burke and Hare, our topic in class. We arrived at the Surgeon’s Hall Museum and were met by Thomas who kindly spoke to us about Burke and Hare. The children were able to demonstrate exactly how much we had learnt, answering questions and discussing the gruesome twosome! Before leaving we guessed what some mystery objects were and explored Surgeon’s Hall ourselves, looking more closely at all those body parts in jars. Before lunch we were met by our three tour guides who took us all on a walk around Edinburgh’s Old Town. We went up the closes and down the stairs, finding out lots of interesting facts about Burke and Hare along the way. We even managed to visit Greyfriar’s Kirkyard and the statue of Greyfriar’s Bobby to tie in with our class novel. Have a look at some of our photographs from the day!
A huge thank you!
What an exciting assembly we had yesterday! Many parents will be aware of the ‘Sunflower Challenge’ that the school has been involved in connection with Rural Connect. Thanks to Ms Ferguson, our ECO group, a very helpful grandpa, Mrs Shiels and all the children for keeping a sunflower diary. It is with great pride I can inform you that Torphichen Primary grew the tallest sunflower in West Lothian.
We were presented with a plaque for the school and £300 donated by Dobbies to spend at their Garden Centre. We look forward to hearing what the pupils will suggest to spend our winnings on!
Mary McKenzie
Eco Committee Interviews!
The Eco Committee will be carrying out interviews for new members on Wednesday 25th September. They were delighted that 55 pupils expressed an interest in becoming a committee member. At the interview, pupils will be asked to say why they think Eco Schools is an important initiative and what skills/qualities they have that would make them a good Eco Committee member. Good luck to all those being interviewed!!