Happy New Year to all of our pupils and parents. We’re delighted to welcome the pupils back to school today and are all looking forward to an exciting term filled with lots of interesting and engaging learning opportunities.
Remember to keep checking the blog to find out what we are all up to!
There are a number of clothing items that are in our Lost Property box here in school. Mrs Smith has been around the classes asking children and while some items have been reclaimed, others are still here. If you think that your child may be missing a jumper, jacket or anything else, please feel free to come and have a look.
A note will be going home with children today, but you will also find the details of the note below.
The Parent Council will be meeting with Mrs Angus and Mr Barrowman during the first week back at school. This meeting will be to share parent opinions about the school. Please can you let Anna Thomson or Suzie McMorrow know:
Things you would like to stay the same
Things you would like to see improve
These will then be collated and passed on. You can contact Anna or Suzie through the Facebook page or via email to anna_cairns@hotmail.com.
Primary 1/2 have been learning about how to keep safe when out. They know always to hold hands and cross the road with an adult. They are beginning to learn about where a safe place to cross is. They have had input from the Junior Road Safety Officers who recapped on how to cross the road using our keys words: Kerb, Pavement and Traffic. The JRSOs also explained about how to Stop, Look, Listen and Think.
Our Christmas Service will be held on Tuesday 20th December at 1.30pm in the Church. All are welcome and we’d love to see you there.
The Parent Council will be holding the Christmas Disco on Tuesday 20th December from 6.30pm – 8.30pm at the Community Centre at a cost of £2 per child.
Wednesday 21st December is our final day of term and school will finish at the normal time of 3.20pm. Children are invited to dress down in Christmas jumpers or in normal clothes with a donation of £1 to the Parent Council.