In P5 we have built model space probes to go to Enceladus and safely come back down to earth in style.
In P4 we have been making marble runs like a pro, out of colorful straws.
Primary 1/2 and 3/4 entertained parents at the Cafe and Cabaret as part of the Modern Languages fortnight. Parents were treated to renditions of Spanish and French songs that were delivered with great gusto, enjoyed by all!
The Global Group would like to remind everyone about our school Backpack Appeal.
The final date for collection is Friday 16th June.
Please visit Mary’s Meals website for more information.
Many thanks,
From The Global Group
we have be learning about Guru Nanack and the festival of Vaisakhi in RME.
In maths we have been making division and time tables fact fans.
In maths we have been making maps and writing directions using degrees and compass points.
There will be no string tuition on Friday 9th June therefore those pupils who attend will not need to bring their instruments into school.
Tuition will resume on Friday 16th June.