We have given out hard copies of the script today to those pupils with main parts. The rest of the scripts for other parts will be given out in the coming week. At the top of each script is a list of items for a suggested costume.
We would really like to stress that this is just a suggestion for the costume. Any old clothes will do, we are in no way expecting people to outlay lots on new items for a costume and just wanted to give as much notice as possible before hand.
Due to the scale of parts and length of script we have done as much as possible to stay Eco and reduce our carbon footprint by cutting down the script for each character to just their scenes. We will issue each pupil who has a part with a hard copy for them to practice with, but again, in order to reduce the amount of printing, if the copy is damaged or lost we will only reissue an electronic copy via e-mail.
As the P6s are both involved in the P5-7 show, we have begun to look at playscripts through Literacy.
For spelling practise this week, they had to create their ow script using their spelling words.
In writing, whilst working with a partner, they carried on the next scene from a traditional fairytale. The success criteria the pupils decided for themselves was:
I can use appropriate punctuation (brackets, commas, colons, question marks, exclamation marks, full stops and capital letter)
I can sequence my script correctly and ensure it makes sense.
I can give the actor stage directions.
I can use descriptive vocabulary (adjectives, connectives and adverbs).
Next week, they will start to play their own play and then create a playscript to accompany this.
Primary 6 has started their new Maths topic – Time. We have been developing our knowledge of rounding to time ourselves doing various challenges and then rounding these to either:
nearest minute
nearest second (with minutes)
nearest tenth of a second (with minutes and seconds)
We will then compare our results and order these times.