Congratulations to Angus and Archie who represented the school as the West Lothian Primary Schools Badminton competition.
Congratulations to Angus and Archie who represented the school as the West Lothian Primary Schools Badminton competition.
Today at out Wider Achievement assembly, Rory Cameron from Linlithgow Rotary presented some awards to our pupils.
The Rotary Quiz winners were presented with their engraved trophy. They will go forward to represent the Linlithgow Rotary at the West Lothian heats at the beginning of May.
From the recent photography competition, Theo was awarded a 3rd place whilst Skye and Matthew were presented with ‘highly commended’ certificates.
As part of organizing the upper school play the ICT and Props departments have created a list of items that we currently need. The pupils would be very grateful if you could take a moment to peruse the list and see if there are any items you might be able to donate for our show!
Best Regards
Mr Turnbull