Category Archives: P6/7

Super Swim Success

We would like to give a big “Shout Out” to Phoebe and Izzy who have been training 5 times a week for their swimming and it has paid off for the girls!

They both swam in East District Time Trials at the Royal Commonwealth Pool in Edinburgh where Izzy came 3rd in 50 fly and 6th in 100 fly, and Phoebe picked up 3rd in the 100 fly!
Last weekend they headed up to Glenrothes where they collected silver for their part in the freestyle relay.  Izzy also collected medals in the 200 IM and 50 fly whilst Phoebe received medals for freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke!
Well done to both girls!

What We’ve Been Learning In P6/7 This Week

P7  have been working on their coffee morning to raise money for their final trip of Primary School.  The coffee morning is on Friday the 3rd of May

from 10 till 12. we’been creating Sandwich wraps which would be convenient for picnics and posters for some of are activities.

We have been learning the basics of Tai Chai which links to our Japanese topic.

We are also starting rugby and are getting rugby specialists to come and teach us.

We have also been looking at festivals and traditions in RME.