Category Archives: P6/7

First Minister’s Reading Challenge

All pupils will be issued with a First Minister’s Reading Challenge Passport this term. These will stay in school, however please encourage your child to add any texts that they read at home to their passport. Each term classes will be set challenges to complete in class. This term all of the reading challenges have a Scottish focus.

Happy Reading!

P6 Maths and Numeracy Learning

In Maths and Numeracy we have been learning about  the following:


– We are learning about the value of a digit before the decimal point

– The place value of digits up to seven numbers.

– Being able to read, write and say larger numbers.


– We have been learning about measurements and decimals.

-We have been measuring with cm,mm and metres



-On Fridays we  have been working on reading scales for measurement.

-We have been learning about measuring in decimals.

-We have been working on rounding numbers to one decimal place and two decimal places.