Category Archives: P6/7

What We Have Been Learning This Week

We have been learning about an artist called Henri Rossoau and we made pictures of the Rainforest by layering card on top of each other focusing on composition.

We have been doing ratios in math. Converting different currencies whilst also finding percentages of certain amounts.

In spelling we created songs using our spelling words.

On Tuesday we had a house quiz competition in the hall with the rest if the school.




What We Have Been Learning This Week

On Friday the 16th there was a special day to raise money for the charity, Children In Need, the Pupil Leadership Team and the Prefects worked around the clock to organise the activities. There was a surprise visitor on the day who goes by the name of Mr.Tumble (Not the real him by the way, he is way too famous) The school raised £140.35  for the charity.

On Tuesday the 20th P6/7 showed the school and others their presentations on vertebrates and invertebrates.

All classes have been working on their products for the school Christmas fair since the start of November.


What we have been learning this week.

We have been looking at the habitats of animals of our choice. Then we thought and researched about the threats of the habitats and solutions to solve them. In soft start there have been a lot people writing stories with a theme of the Rainforest as it is our topic. Some of these stories includes Halogreens and Santa’s scam by Alfie and Adam and the moonlit forest by an anonymous writer.